Finally its update time again. Although I had the motor nearly 100% together and done, and it would have been good enough to go in the car, I decided to take things to the next level. To do that I pulled off all the tin and got it down to a long block again and started fresh.

First up was tin fits. As we all know, aftermarket tin doesn't fit great, and needs some help to get everything lined up right. First up was the cylinder tin getting some trimming and reshaping.

We followed that up with the shroud fitting and breast plate. It takes a bit of time but the payoff is a very smooth seamless fit.

Another cool custom touch to clean up the looks of the motor.

From here the Tins were custom painted in gray for a nice contrast to the yellow paint of the car.

The best spot to "hide" the breather was right behind the shroud which keeps it out of sight as well as the lines. The goal here is to hide all wires and lines so when viewed from the front, all you see is the motor with nothing else crowding up the view.

To do that we added the Jaycee Linkage, 40mm HPMX carbs, black coated manifolds, Jaycee Crank Pulley, Jaycee Alt Pulley, and a new Empi Billet Distributor. We will be sticking with the A1 Class 11 Exhaust.  

And here is the finished product!

Its really amazing how far you can take a motor that was already pretty awesome and bring it over the top. This car is already a huge in your face build so taking the motor up from where it was really completes the image I had in mind for this car.

After a quick break in run and tuning session this part of the build is done!

Its pretty cool to see where we came from and where we ended up on this motor project. Just wait until you see it in the car!

Next up putting the car back together! Stay tuned, this is going to be awesome!